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Art Appreciation 1
Art Appreciation 1
List Price: €300.00
Our Price:300.00

Product Code: XXXX-V

  • Instructor: Evi Sotiropoulos
  • High School credit: 0.5
  • Duration: 7 weeks
  • Prerequisite: NONE
  • Offered to students of: Grades 9-12
This course offers to high school students the opportunity to explore and appreciate the visual art forms and techniques in art. They will understand and study the process of creating art through exploration in different art materials such as drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. Through hands-on art projects and journal prompts, students will increase their knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts. Students will also develop observational skills, learn the language of art, stimulate their imagination and creativity and ultimately realize their own artistic potential.

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