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Environmental Science
Environmental Science
List Price: €600.00
Our Price:600.00

Product Code: XXXYYY-V

  • Instructor: Labrini Rontogiannis
  • High School credit: 1
  • Duration: 15 weeks
  • Prerequisite: NONE
  • Offered to students of: Grade 9-12
This course for 11th and 12th graders aims to develop an understanding of the structure and functioning of natural systems. It will encompass the social, ethical and economic impacts of human activities focusing on current environmental problems and their underlying scientific principles. The student will understand the cause- effect relationship of human activities on the environment and all other living species. The concept of interdependence will be stressed throughout. Topics include: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere, Pollution, The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming, Ozone Layer and Biodiversity/Resource Loss. Activities include reading, written assignments, reviews (e.g., of articles, news items, documentaries), scientific investigations outdoors as well as the laboratory and field trips.

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